Friday 23 December 2011

Question for everyone including Tutors

I wonder if you keep a diary? Not by being told to keep one, but off your own back? I use a diary both Personal and to keep my dates safe, but have found when looking at my friends blogs entitled "Sources Of Information" that hardly anyone uses a diary (Personal or for Dates) as one of their top sources.

Thoughts below if you have any.......


  1. Hi Lilly,
    yes I do use a diary, to great extent! And at the moment I am feeling a bit in limbo as I haven't bought one for 2012!
    It's on my list of things to buy, as I am nervous to forget important dates, and find it extremely difficult to remember everything without one. I recently bought an iPad and will use my digital diary a lot more, but to be honest it's not the same as seeing and writing your own notes to yourself.

  2. Hi Alicia! Thanks for commenting. I have a calendar in my phone and I have Google calendar but like you it's not the same for me. A lot changed when technology came out.
