Tuesday 31 January 2012

Zechariah's Song

Composed & Written by Onn Min Kon. Arranged by Martyn Cottey. Edited and Produced by Lily Corrigan.

Lily Corrigan
Mercy Sterne
Angela Lewis
Bethan Lewis
Sabrina Corrigan
Sophie Rupasingahe
Sally Hawkins
Nkiruka Oparah
Vicky Souster
Onyeka Onoh

Copyright Onn Min Kon 2011


  1. I received some feedback from the Composer/Writer of this song on the 30th January.

    "Wow! Well done Lily and great graphics – thoughtful and reflective – we clearly need you to make more. We may be better off re-recording the session as this was a first take in a practice format and so would sound even better next time?"- Onn Min Kon (Worship Leader at New Life Church)

    I would love to know your opinions too.


  2. I have received some new feedback from my brother Peter (fourstarproductions.co.uk). He said "I like it Lil It's very good".

    I would still love to know your opinions.

    Hope everyone is well X
