Saturday, 31 March 2012

Something Interesting

I found this website by searching for 'Literature on Early Years Education' on Google.

The Early Years Foundation

I downloaded their Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It has 3 key sections in it. These sections are:

Section 1 - The learning and development requirements
Section 2 - Assessment
Section 3 - The safeguarding and welfare requirements

I haven't read it fully yet, but I think it's a good start for my inquiry. I have listed the links above and below in case you wanted to take a read.

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

Have a good weekend all.


Oh and PS. Thanks Paula for all your help in the last 48 hrs. :)

Friday, 30 March 2012

Task 4A Revisited

1. If I come up with an idea for a show, how do I propose the idea? Is there a process I have to follow?

2. What do I do in a situation where I see someone (one of the students I work with) (no where near school property) being bullied? Do I walk away or try to resolve the situation?

3. I fear of all my time being used again how can I be reassured?

4. What do you do if something in the class goes wrong and the teacher isn't there and you couldn't leave the class to get the principal?

5. With the ethics of both organisations what steps will I need to take to further my inquiry via research? Would I need to get the children involved?

6. How do I gain permission from both organisations to do this?
   A Contract?
   A Signed Agreement?
   Parental Permission?

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this as it can really help me with the basis of my inquiry. 

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Task 4C Part 3

Interview with Marley* 23rd March 2012 2:34pm- 2:50pm

1.     What is it like to work for the Church?

It is good experience and a service to God. I enjoy it.

2.     What do you think the ethics of the Church are?

Anyone who wants to know about or believes in God can come to our church, without any obligations, and to not feel uncomfortable. We as leaders of the church do not pressurize new people into doing anything they don’t want to.

3.     What do you think are the rules and regulations of the Church are?

A: As a registered charity, our rules and regulations are part based on the laws in place by the government to enhance a safe and friendly environment to those present in the church and newcomers.
B: Those Legislations are respected by all leaders and elders by enhancing CRB checks and making sure the environment is safe for children, young people and adults. 

*Name has been changed to protect Identity

Task 4C Part 2

Interview with Sammie* 23rd March 2012 12:06pm-12:15pm

1.     What is it like to work for the Church?

It’s fun, I gain experience in Childcare looking after 0-4 year olds (Sunbeams) and 6-11 year olds (Flame)

2.     What do you think the ethics of the Church are?

We’re kind, loving people. We want to teach people about God.

3.     What do you think are the rules and regulations of the Church are?

A: After the meeting parents have to look after their children.
B: People working with children need to be CRB checked. 

*Name has been changed to protect Identity

Task 4C Part 1

Interview with Fran* 25th-26th March 2012 (via Facebook)

1.     What is it like to work for the Church?

I volunteer to work with my church singing with the worship band and helping to pack away the music equipment at the end of the morning, helping to lead the Sunday school sessions and welcoming people as they arrive. I do this because I see the church as a family and community and think it is important that people within the church contribute their gifts and skills to assist with the running of the church. I enjoy volunteering to help is this way as my faith is a big part of my life and my church community supports me in my faith. I like the fact that I can give something back to them.

2.  How does singing in the band compare to singing on stage?

Singing in the band at church is very different to singing on a stage or in any performance setting. As a worship band our job is to facilitate the worship for the rest of the church rather than to perform for them. So our role is not to entertain or perform as such but is more to lead the music so the rest of the congregation is able to join in and worship as a group.

3.  What do you think the Ethics of the church are?

The Ethics of the church are based on the moral principles written in the Bible. We are called to follow these principles and to try to live a life free of Sin. However we are not called to do this because failure to follow these 'rules' will result in eternal punishment but because God has told us that this is the way he intended us to live and that Sin is what separates us from him and the life he intended us to live which involves our complete health and happiness (and not just out own Sin but the Sin of the world and everything in it which is what makes it so complicated!). We all fall short of this life free from Sin at one point or another but God, in his mercy, sent his Son Jesus to die for our Sins that, in recognising this and our Sins, we might have forgiveness and will one day get to live for eternity in a place completely free from Sin. The moral principles in the Bible are quite detailed but the main one is to love God and to love our neighbour which should then lead us to live an unselfish life in which we put other's needs before our own.

4. What is your life like now you've done BAPP? Are you getting more teacher type work or performance work? Basically has it boosted your training?

I don't feel that my life has any major changes due to the course as of yet but I am now qualified should I want to go into teaching. I am currently looking into getting work as a teaching assistant and having a degree on my CV is useful! I do feel that the research project helped me analyse my outlook on my work and this helped me to become more positive in my approach to the different aspects of my job. So basically I would say that I am happy that I did the BAPP course as I can see that it was a positive thing to do, but that I have not noticed any real changes in my life because of it so far.

*Names have been changed to protect Identity

"UK Degrees Are Worthless"- Simon Dolan

I found this article on Yahoo today and was deeply disturbed by it. How can he say that some UK Degrees are worthless?? The way he's talking sounds like he is referring to BAPP. What do you think??

(this isn't based on my inquiry, I just thought I'd share it and see if anyone felt the same as me or different)

Hope you are enjoying the sun!


Monday, 26 March 2012

Task 4D: Award Tittle

After lots and lots of reflection and my new job appearing (working as a teaching assistant for Razzamatz Theatre School) I have come up with the following award title.

BA Hons Professional Practice in Children's and Adults Performance

What do you think?

Hope all is well with everyone

Enjoy the sun!!


Friday, 23 March 2012

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Task 5A

What are the Codes of Practice/Regulations which guide the setting?

1. Respect others around you. Children, Friends, Pastors etc.
2. Respect the areas used for the Main Meeting, the Groups, and make sure you don't enter the areas that aren't used by the Church.
3. Anyone who wants to work with the children and youth has to be CRB checked by Mrs Roberts* (Child Protection Officer).
4. Make sure the children don't climb onto the roof or climb dangerous things.
5. Make sure all the areas used are safe.

The Ethics of New Life Church are:

1. The Bible is the Thesis of the Church.
2. Our Financial Accounts are thoroughly checked.
3. We have a Child Protection Policy in place which all leaders have to follow.
4. Paul Hickman (our main Pastor) said that the Ethics of New Life Church (to sum up) is "Open, Accountable, and Transparent".

Helping lead worship at Church for the second time

Today was another opportunity to work on my spirit (which has lacked lately), and happiness (which has also lacked in the last week or so). I am feeling more comfortable being in the band, and I feel like Theatre Directing is on hold at the moment. But this is a good thing, as it's not the right thing for me at this time. So I have made quite a transition Drama & Theatre Production-Community Theatre-Theatre Directing-Working for my Church.

I hope I can continue on this journey. For now I'm sticking to doing more in my Church community.

I always remember this "To smile regardless........"


Monday, 12 March 2012

My Award Title Rationale (Task 4D) 2

I know I sing apart of my Church's Band, and help with the Children's group once a month, and that it isn't exactly linked to Theatre Directing, so I am thinking of some new Award Title's.

BA Hons Professional Practice in Performance & Directing

BA Hons Professional Practice in Music Performance

BA Hons Professional Practice Children's Performance & Directing

I'm sure I will come up with some more as time flies. But for now what do you guys think??

I appreciate every comment given, and I just want to thank you all for you comments.


Saturday, 3 March 2012

My Award Title Rationale (Task 4D)

Through further reflection, I have decided to stick with what my heart says instead of what my Frontal Lobes tell me. As much I love the idea of running my own Academy, I know that realistically it can't happen yet. So I am sticking with my original goal (as I have more of a passion for it) Theatre Directing.

Therefore I have come up with the following award title:

BA Hons Professional Practice (Theatre Directing)

What do you guys think?

Task 4A- Inquiry Questions

Task 4A

1.     What protocol is in place if someone breaks the rules say on more than 3 occasions? Is it different with each organisation/company/theatre etc?

2.     Aside from social networking how can you promote yourself as a Theatre Director?

3.     After your degree do you have to go on a programme for directors or is it certain companies/theatre’s that require this? Or can you get hired straight off?

4.     What are the deadlines for scripts and for a play to be ready for a theatre?

5.     How many years of experience do you need?

6.     How do you start? Assistant Director? PA to the Director?

"Questions from Reader 4" link on Google Docs

"Questions from Reader 4"

Questions from Reader 4

Are there any ideas from work based or organisational knowledge theories of learning that could be used to understand your own professional inquiry?
I’m not sure at the moment, as I currently don’t work in Theatre. But I do like the way The National Theatre creative staff share they way that they teach cast members, and the good structure they have for learning. The National Theatre’s Head of Voice Jeanette Nelson has posted 4 videos on you-tube of how she teaches cast members to warm up.

These videos can help my inquiry to help me plan rehearsals for future theatre productions, and it should help me retrieve answers for my inquiry.

Do you work within a disciplinary context in the arts? Or is your situation more trans-disciplinary?
It’s a bit of both. In my church you tend to self-discipline yourself and when it comes to working with children, you already know the values that are in place, due to growing up in that environment. If you haven’t you tend to have a chat with Mrs Roberts*, complete a CRB form, and have a CRB clearance.
Obviously we can’t swear or wear inappropriate things, but we can worship freely. We can pray freely. I don’t have to be disciplined at church, and in regards to the children, we don’t class it as discipline, we class it as helping the children to learn values that we think is right for them to learn. I mean there is discipline but we aren’t like nuns in a boarding school. We’re not strict. We discipline with love.
*Names have been changed to protect people’s identity.
What do you know? How do you do it? Make a brief list of your competences and capabilities.
1.     I am a tiny bit competitive in Theatre Directing (but not over competitive). I am not competitive in my current working environment.
2.     My capabilities are looking after children in a great environment in which they learn. To teach them important values. But most importantly to be their friend, their aunt etc.

What knowledge and skills do you think you will need for the future?

In Theatre Directing I would need management skills, creative skills, knowledge of practioners, theatre spaces, financial support, planning meetings, planning group rehearsals, planning one on one rehearsals, etc.

What were some of the points in the reading that you will use to develop your topic?

I won’t be using any of the points from the reader but I will be using some points from the article I read with Tiffany and from the book “DRP” on the different types of Knowledge (which actually comes from other theorists in the reader with similar views). So the points I will use will be:

1.     Eraut- Developing Professional Knowledge:
“I intend to use the term ‘knowledge’ to refer to the whole domain in which more specifically defined clusters of meaning reside. This all the different forms of knowledge… procedural knowledge, propositional knowledge, practical knowledge, tacit knowledge, skills and know-how.” (1994)

2.     “There are structured types of art (Media, Dace etc.) that have Workplace Knowledge neatly placed in their sectors. But for the types of art that don’t fit are classed as Trans-disciplinary.

What are some starting points that you might use for your questions?

I will investigate previous Theatre Directors i.e. Mike Leigh, Lawrence Olivier etc. and see how they started out, where they trained and what questions they ask when they are writing plays, directing plays. How they work in general.

Are there questions or comments or observations at this point?

Refer to Task 4A.

What are your expectations about discussing these questions with the people with whom you work?

I’m not sure as I am currently not working in a theatre environment. I’m wondering, where does this leave me? Can I still go ahead with my inquiry?

Can you ‘theorise’ your own worker-researcher position?

No. I am not classed as a worker-researcher. I work for my church (which is a registered charity.) We are considered as volunteers not workers. I could be classed as a volunteer-researcher (if you were to put a name on it).

Can you find sources within your organisation, such as company policy papers or job descriptions that clarify how your relationship to the organisation will affect your inquiry?

New Life Church has a good list of ethics, but these ethics and what I do within the church won’t affect my inquiry.

New Life Church Ethics:

Finance- Accounts are thoroughly checked
Bible- The Bible is the thesis of the church
Child Protection Policy- Everyone is CRB Checked

Paul Hickman (one of our pastors) said (when I asked him what the church’s ethic is) “Open, Accountable, and Transparent”.

How does your SIG compare to other groups or communities that you are a part of in the workplace?

One of my SIG compares to the groups I associate with at church via Education. My church provides groups that teach young people of all ages about Jesus. This SIG provides insights and different ways of providing education. This SIG I have now left, but can help me for the future. My other SIG is Theatre Directing. As a freelancer with no current work, I am writing scripts, characters, costume designs, set designs etc to keep my research for my inquiry going.

How will you use your SIG?

I will use my SIG to encourage my thoughts on being a Theatre Director, of current Theatre Director’s, of funding in the arts. I will also use my SIG to talk about these things and get opinions on these matters.

How will you evidence the shared practice within you own professional inquiry process?

I will use a diary (possibly both written and audio) to explain what I did on the occasions of my practices. And then research as to whether anyone in the Theatre Directing business has kept a diary of what they have done in rehearsals, when they are writing scripts, and also see if there are any similarities between both diaries. I will also upload images to support what my diary says.