Wednesday, 1 December 2010

The Beginning

5th October 2010

We started working with our directors today. And they shared their ideas with us. We worked on a series of their ideas.

- Spatial Awareness/Invasion
- Repetition- Movements, Asking the same thing, Squeezing past the audience.
- Audience Engagement/Involvement- Filming situations before show and showing after.
- Tension - Description
- Inferior
- Intimidation
- Lollypop Monologue
- Sexualisation
- Ages
- Culture/Religion- Eastern/ Western- Film/Age Difference- Lips sucking a lolly, Opens out to being a little girl.
- Stereotypes
- Identity
- Bus Improvisation
- Breaking then fourth wall.....
- Social Class, Gender, Age.... How these react differently.
- Unacceptable public displays
- PDSA (Animal Awareness charity)
- Men changing little girl toddler nappies
- Getting chatted up
- Seeing someone get verbally/physically abused
- Babies crying
- Coughing, Sneezing, Farting, Smelling
- Anti-social teenagers
- Foreign languages- Conversations about passengers
- Tramps- Drunks
- Disabled
- Elderly, Pregnant women

Afternoon Improvisation

1. Audience Disruption
- Breaking the 4th wall
- Ticket- Arguing
- Provoking audience
- Live feed... Show to audience after.
- Important to process
- Fidgets
- Fake smiles- Naturalising the wrong
2. Audience Invasion- Uncomfortable
- Realistic But not naturalistic
- Invasion of sensual body parts- This impact despite our affections
can affect us and the audience.
3. Audience Interrogation (Police Scene)
- Reverse stereotypes- 85 year old lady- (Burned the bitches face)
- Elderly woman acting like a teen with an ASBO
- Hoodies
- Head Bang- Effective- Strong Language- Violence- Impulses
- Split Frames- Where emotion is acted
- Darkness
- Separate Audience

Plan for Next Session
- Observe a journey- Make an interesting comment
- Consider Form and Style!